MaTecK GmbH - Material, Technology and Crystals

MaTecK GmbH - Material, Technology and Crystals

© MaTeck
© MaTeck
© MaTeck

MaTecK GmbH is primarily engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of materials and products for, in particular, physico-chemical laboratories of research institutions as well as for industrial customers. With an average of 20 employees, these largely customer-specific research materials are produced predominantly by melting metallurgy using innovative processes. For polycrystalline samples, these include primarily the levitation process and plasma melting, and for monocrystalline materials various crystal growth processes, especially the Czochralski, Bridgman processes and zone melting, which can also be carried out in an optical mirror furnace. Since the purity of the starting material is a critical factor for the success of crystal growth, the zone melting process is regularly used to produce high-purity materials in-house. A zone melting furnace developed in a previous project has already been successfully used to purify individual materials. This equipment is to be modified so that it can also be used to purify tellurium. Since tellurium is also regularly grown as a single crystal for customers, MaTecK has experience in handling and processing this metal.

MaTecK GmbH was founded in 1993 and thus has 30 years of experience in the field of metallurgy, purification of materials and growing of single crystals.